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Do you love Kingfisher and feel inspired to help us achieve our mission? Why wait? Giving a cash gift is a great way to support our teachers through teacher grants, ongoing educator needs, professional development and more. KEF’s desire is to grow our endowment and give back more annually to our teachers to bring education to life for their students.


Gifts of cash can be made as one transaction or in monthly, quarterly, or yearly installments. Donate through the website, mail your donation or call David Blair at 405.818.3521. Donations on-line will go to our endowment fund at the OKC Community Foundation.




Impact the lives of Kingfisher Public Schools students with the life you’ve built! Leave a legacy through planned giving.


KEF has created a path to honor the generous donors who include the KEF Foundation in their estate plans by providing a future gift. The donation could come from a bequest provision, a gift of retirement assets, a gift of a life insurance policy, a life-income gift, or other deferred giving arrangement.


By donating in this way, you will help ensure the future of generations of students in KPS. If you feel strongly about the work of KEF and would like to make sure that your contributions to excellence in education in Kingfisher live beyond you, please consider including KEF in your estate planning.


Our Endowment is like a savings account that only spends the interest. Our Endowment fund with OCCF grants us approximately 5% of the fund from its earnings each year. The rest continues to grow in value. When you give to our endowment fund, you are giving a gift to our future! To read more and leave a Legacy Gift in our Endowment at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, select the Donate Button.